Tuesday, April 14

WWE 2009 Draft Lottery LIVE Results and Main Event Results

WWE 2009 Draft comes from Atlanta, Georgia

1st MATCH;- Rey Mysterio Vs. Evan Bourne - RAW Vs. ECW to decide 1st Draft Pick!!!
The match starts off with acrabatic displays by both of the superstars and straight of the bat they are doing well for their respected brands. Evan Bourne has a couple of pin attempts on the 619'er. But Rey Connects with the 619 and then Frog Splash!!
Result;- Rey Mysterio WINS Raw Gets MVP from SD!!!

2nd MATCH;- Kane Vs. The Brian Kendrick - RAW Vs. SD to decide 2nd Draft Pick!!!
Very Quick Match in which there is a face to foot confrontation between Kane and Ezekiel Jackson!!! Kane wins via Choke Slam!!
Result;- Kane WINS Raw Gets BIG SHOW from SD!!!

3rd MATCH;- Melina(WC) Team Vs. Maryse (DC) Team - Raw Vs. SD to decide 3rd Draft Pick!!!
Result;- SD WINS via Michelle McCool gets the Pin - SD Get Melina (Women's Champion)

4th MATCH;- John Cena (WHC) Vs. Jack Swagger (ECW Champ) - Raw Vs. ECW to decide 4th and 5th Draft Picks
Slow out of the gate. Swagger tries to ground Cena. Cena picks up the tempo with a punch from outside the ring. Cena gets first pin attempt. Swagger clotheslines the World Heavyweight Champion. Swagger applies the full nelson to Cena. Cena pulls himself out of the Nelson. Cena Five Knuckle Shuffel on Swagger. Big Boot to Cenas head. Cena Kicks out of the pin attempt. Cena goes into the Metal Post!!
Advert Break!!
Result;- Swagger Taps - Cena WINS for RAW - RAW Gets Matt Hardy & WWE Champion Triple H from SD

5th MATCH;- Santino Marella Vs. The Great Khali - Raw Vs. SD to decide 6th Draft Pick
Comical display by Santino, Santino squeels throughout!!
Result;- Khali WINS for SD - SD Get - MITB 2009 Winner CM PUNK from Raw

6th MATCH;- The Miz Vs. Kofi Kingston - ECW Vs. Raw to decide 7th Draft Pick
Miz starts of with a head lock, Kofi powers out, Kofi applies the lock and hits Miz with the shoulder, quick and powerful display by Kofi Kingston. Miz Kicks Kofi in the side, Wrist lock is applied to The Miz. Miz capitalises on Morissons distraction, Miz gets the first pin. Alot of ground work done by the Miz on Kofi Kingston and a head lock is applied by the Chick Magnet. Miz gets 2 count on Kingston, yet another head lock is applied by The Miz on Kofi. Kofi gets momentum. Kofi power out in a pining predicament. Boom Boom The Miz kicks out of KK's pin. Several quick pins .
Result;- Kofi WINS by DQ!!! Raw Gets - The Miz from ECW

7th MATCH;- The 15 Man Tri Branded Battle Royal to decide the 8th and 9th Draft Picks
The Five Participants for Raw are;- MVP, Cryme Tyme, Mike Knox and Big Show
The Five Participants for SD are;- Primo and Carlito, Edge, Chavo Guerrero and R-Truth.
The Five Participants for ECW are;- Finlay, Ricky Ortiz, Tyson Kidd, Paul Burchill and Paul Burchill.
First over the top rope is Ricky Ortiz and then Paul Burchill and then Mike Knox, Chavo, Shad, Primo, R-Truth, Tyson Kidd, JTG, Carlito, MVP, Finlay and its down to 3 Superstars with Mark Henry, Edge and Big Show in the Ring. Edge is chokeslammed by the Big Show, Mark Henry is Eliminated by The Big Show its down to Big Show and Edge,?!?!
Result;- Edge WINS for SD - SD Get Kane and Chris Jericho from Raw

8th MATCH;- Christian Vs. Shelton Benjamin - ECW Vs. SD - for the 10th Draft Pick
Very Athletic start from the pair of Superstars doing their brands justice, Shelton jumps to the top rope and launches Christian out of the Ring. Shelton has all of the momentum at the moment. Christian is hotting up and Captain Carisma attempts the Kill Switch but Shelton turns it into the Back Breaker.
Result;- Christian WINS for ECW - ECW Get Vladamir Kozlov from SD

9th MATCH;- CM Punk Vs. Matt Hardy - SD Vs. Raw - for the 11th Draft Pick
Quick roll up for Punk on Hardy, To and frow battle from the newly drafted Superstars. Punk kicks out from an imaginative move by Matt Hardy, Matt Hardy has the upper hand on CM Punk Hardy applies the abdominal streach on Punk but comes out and hits Hardy with the knee. CM Punk gets a 2 count on Hardy. Side effect by Matt Hardy.
Result;- Matt Hardy WINS by DQ - Raw Get Maryse (Divas Champion)

10th MATCH;- Chris Jericho Vs. Tommy Dreamer - SD Vs. ECW - for the 12th and final Draft Pick
Dreamer puts Jericho over the Top Rope. Jericho is in control at the current time, Jericho's boot goes to Dreamers Head. Jericho applies submission manouver to Tommy , Tommy's Boot goes into Jerichos gut. Dreamer has momentum, Jericho attempts to applyWalls of Jericho to Dreamer. Dreamers Slam creates a 2 count. But Dreamer finds himself in no mans land. Jericho falls of the top rope. Dreamer is hit by the Code Breaker.
Result;- Chris Jericho WINS - SD Get Rey Mysterio (Intercontinental Champion)

In the Official WWE 2009 Draft;-
* Raw get MVP (US Champ), Big Show, Matt Hardy, The Miz and Maryse (Divas Champion) and Triple H (WWE Champion). - 6 Superstars
* SD get CM Punk (MITB Winner 2009), Kane, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio (IC Champion) and Melina (Womens Champion) - 5 Superstars
* ECW get Vladamir Kozlov - 1 Superstar

Triple H (WWE Champion) & Batista & Shane McMahon Vs. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes - The Winner from Team Triple H will meet Randy Orton 1-on-1 Next Week!!! if Legacy win the Person that they pin will have to meet Legacy and Orton 3-on-1 Next Week!!!

Throughout the Match there is alot of 1 up man ship between Triple H (WWE Champion), Batista and Shane McMahon.

Result;- Triple H scores the pin on Ted DiBiase and will face Randy Orton 1-on-1 Next Week!! Wrestlemania Re-Match minus the WWE Championship!!!

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