Thursday, April 30

Jeff Hardy/WWE Update!!!


We've been covering the story about Jeff Hardy's WWE contract status and the possibility of Jeff taking time off when it expires this summer. Jeff has turned down several of WWE's attempts to sign him to a new contract and the former WWE champion is said to be considering extended time away from the ring.

The latest is that Jeff has been giving the impression to friends that he will in fact re-sign with WWE before his contract expires this summer. While he is burned out with the hectic travel schedule, his willingness to walk away from WWE has given him negotiating leverage and he will likely ask for a reduced schedule, similar to the Undertaker's deal.

In related Hardy news, the former WWE Champion has had talks with MTV regarding a reality television series. Matt and Jeff currently produce the online video show "The Hardy Show" and the MTV series would likely tie into that.

Wednesday, April 29

Triple H Injury Storyline Plans

Following Sunday night’s injury angle at Backlash, Triple H is expected to be out of action until the summer.

PWInisder reoprts he will be back in time for a revenge angle this summer as the early plan for the main event at Summerslam is Triple H vs. Randy Orton.

What will actually be a surprise is if this current plan stays intact knowing how WWE changes plans on a regular basis.

ECW Championship Match @ Judgement Day 2009

ECW Championship Match
Christian (c) Vs. Jack Swagger

Smackdown **Spoliers** for 1st May

WWE taped this week’s edition of SmackDown at Madison Square Garden in New York, New York. Special thanks to WWEDaily for this information.

WWE SmackDown: (Airing This Friday; 5/1)
* A Fatal Four Way featuring Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, and Kane is announced for tonight. The winner will earn #1 Condership for the World Heavyweight Championship at Judgment Day.

* Chris Jericho enters first. He brags about himself being the dominant superstar on SmackDown. Edge comes out and heckles him calling him a tormenter. Edge then mentions that Jericho lost to Cena and brags that he hasn’t. The crowd cheers for Edge. He continues to insult Jericho and calls himself the “Main Event.” Edge gets a huge pop after complimenting the Garden and the crowd cheers for Cena as Jericho retaliates and CM Punk comes out to a huge pop. CM Punk then shows a video of himself beating Edge to win the World Title. Jericho says that nobody cares what he says (too a lot of heat). Punk ignores him and Jericho rebuggs him. He says that he’s done with Edge and Punk. Edge says that nobody cares about what Punk has to say. Punk says that Edge is now worthless that he has nobody cheating for him. CM Punk vs. Edge is announced for later. CM Punk says if he defeats Edges, he’ll cash in his briefcase.

* John Morrison b. Shelton Benjamin
- John Morrison comes out to a pop. Shelton Benjamin comes out to lots of heat. Morrison gets the swift victory with the Moonlight Drive after a springboard dropkick.

* Jeff Hardy b. Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Kane in a Fatal Four Way Elimination match to become the #1 Condender for the World Heavyweight Championship.
- Jericho pinned Kane following a Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy. Jericho was disqualified after he hit Mysterio with a chair. Hardy pins Mysterio by reversing a leg drop into a hurricanrana pin.

* A tribute to the troops video package is shown.

* Chris Jericho, Maria, and Edge are shown backstage. Jericho and Edge both ask Maria where Teddy Long was and they are furious about their matches.

* Cryme Tyme comes out to a big pop. JTG gets the crowd cheering and they discuss their first night on SmackDown. They welcome Layla and Eve to the ring and they dance off. Layla dances first, with a huge pop. Eve also receives a huge pop and impresses the fans. They then dance together. Eve easily wins to a huge pop. She then dances with Cryme Tyme and Layla hits Eve from behind. They fight and Cryme Tyme is forced to restrain them.

* Sherri from “The View” announces that MVP will make a special appearance on the show this coming Monday.

* MVP b. Dolph Ziggler to retain the United States Championship.
- MVP is accompanied to the ring by Sherri of “The View.” MVP hit the Playmaker for the pinfall after a distraction from Sherri. Good match.

* CM Punk b. Edge in a non-title match.
- CM Punk hit Edge with a GTS. He cashes in the Money in the Bank, but Umaga attacks him. Edge is about to pin Punk, but Jeff Hardy interferes with a Swanton Bomb. Punk leaves the ring with the briefcase. It is deem an unofficial contest. This concludes this week’s edition of SmackDown.

Dark Match:

* Mike Knox b. Ricky Ortiz

Tuesday, April 28

Rumoured World Heavyweight Championship No1 Contenders Match!!

There will be a Scramble match as the main event for Smackdown taped at Madison Square Garden this week with Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, The Great Khali and John Morrison with the winner facing Edge for the World title at Judgment Day.

First Match Announced for WWE 2009 Judgement Day PPV

WWE Championship Match
Randy Orton (c) Vs. Batista

Monday, April 27

WWE Signs former TNA Superstar and TNA Release Rumours Mount!!

At Sunday's Professional Championship Wrestling Event in Arlington, Texas, former TNA performer Lance (Rock) Hoyt announced that he had signed a WWE deal. Hoyt trained with PCW. The promotion aired a tribute video for him at the end of the show as all of the wrestlers gave Hoyt a farewell celebration.

This could mark the start of WWE bringing in Newly Released TNA Talent with rumours that WWE are Interested in Sonjay Dutt plus there are rumours that Jacqueline, Cute Kip,Roxxi and Rhaka Khan are all on TNA's to be released list.

WWE Makes Titles History at Backlash

-- With Randy Orton winning the WWE title, Edge winning the World Heavyweight title and Christian winning the ECW title, Backlash was the first WWE Pay-Per-View where the top title for each brand changed hands in one night.

-- With his ECW title win over Jack Swagger last night, Christian became the first wrestler to leave WWE for TNA, win TNA's top title, then come back to WWE and win a brand's top title. There was some speculation not too long ago that WWE was holding a grudge against Christian for going to TNA, but him capturing the ECW title and working a program with the brand's top young rising star is an indication that his TNA Career will not affect his WWE career moving forward.

-- Edge's World Heavyweight title win over John Cena was the Rated R Superstar's ninth major title run in WWE. The only other active WWE superstar with more major title wins is Triple Hwho has held the WWE Championship & World Heavyweight championship a total of 13 times. This is Edge's 5th time winning the World Heavyweight Championship, tying him with Triple H for the most times holding that particular belt.

WWE Backlash 2009 RESULTS!!

Backlash started off with a promo which included a recap of WrestleMania 25. The World title matches and Hardy vs. Hardy are highlighted.

ECW Championship Match
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Christian

Swagger starts things off on the mat but Christian turns it around with a heel kick and cover to get the early advantage. Swagger quickly regains control, presses Christian over his head and dumps him outside. He gets Christian back in the ring and maintains control. Loud "Let's Go Christian" chants. Swagger continues to dominate with power moves. Swagger's looking impressive with his offense.

Christian regains control after Swagger misses a splash from the second rope. Swagger quickly turns it back around with a powerslam. Swagger's looking the best I've seen him, Christian really brings out the best in him. Swagger hits a splash from the top on Christian, but gets a two count.

The end of the match saw Swagger charge at Christian in the corner, but Christian moved out of the way and hit the killswitch to get the three count and win the ECW Championship!

Winner and NEW ECW Champion: Christian

A promo for 'The Greatest Stars of the 90s' DVD aired.

Christian is congratulated backstage by Finlay and Evan Bourne before running into Edge. Christian asks Edge what happened to him, tells him he used to be fun but now he's bitter. Edge says his problems are all due to John Cena and Cena changed him. He says he'll be fun again after beating Cena tonight and walks out.

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat

Jim Ross joins Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for commentary.

Steamboat looks in good shape, better than he looked at WM 25. Steamboat gets the early advantage and takes charge with chops and his armdrags. Fans chanting 'You still got it' at Steamboat, and a small 'Y2J' chant breaks out.

At one point Jericho throws Steamboat out of the ring, but Steamboat skins the cat and gets back in but Jericho clotheslines him back out of the ring. Back in the ring, Jericho slaps Steamboat and berates him, telling him he's washed up and finished.

Jericho holds Steamboat in a side headlock for several minutes. Steamboat hits a back suplex trying to get out, but Jericho holds on to it.

Steamboat regains the advantage hitting Jericho with a belly to back suplex from the top Turnbuckle. Steamboat goes back to work with chops and kicks and then a scoop slam for a two count.

Jericho turns it around and hits a running bulldog. He then went for a lionsault but Steamboat caught him and got Jericho on his shoulders and Jericho rolled him into the Walls. Steamboat was able to get out and put on a sloppy figure four. Jericho gets out and Steamboat hits a high crossbody from the top and gets a two count. Steamboat goes back to the top, but Jericho hits Steamboat with the codebreaker as Steamboat's coming off but Steamboat puts his foot on the rope at two. Jericho goes for a slam, but Steamboat rolls it into a small package ala his win over Randy Savage at WrestleMania 3. Jericho kicks out and gets the Walls in the center of the ring and Steamboat taps.

Winner via submission: Chris Jericho

After the match, the fans give Steamboat a good ovation.

Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendez approach Santino Marella in the back. Phoenix asks Santino why's he doing this, and Marella says that Phoenix is jealous of Santina. Marella asks Phoenix to kiss Khali, Phoenix responds by saying she won't, and won't ever kiss him either.

Kane vs. CM Punk

Jim Ross continues to announce with Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole, so it looks like they'll be the announce them for the entire night.

CM Punk gets the early advantage. He knocks Kane outside of the Ring and hits a flying clothesline from the apron on Kane outside the ring. Back in the ring, Kane gains the advantage by throwing Punk into the ring post. He proceeds to work Punk over with the body scissors.

At one point Kane went for a chokeslam, but Punk was able to reverse it into an arm DDT. At another point, Punk caught Kane on the top rope and was going for the GTS, but Kane wiggled out. Punk then hit a running bulldog for a 2 count. He came back from the top, but Kane hit Punk in the throat and got a 2 count.

Kane signaled for a chokeslam but Punk worked Kane over with a bunch of kicks. Kane then caught Punk mid-kick and hit him with a big chokeslam to get the three count.

Winner via pinfall: Kane

A video package is shown for the Hardy vs. Hardy "I Quit" match.

"I Quit" Match - Jeff Hardy Vs. Matt Hardy

Jeff Hardy comes to the ring first without face paint. The outcome of this match should tell a lot about whether WWE expects Jeff to renew his contract or not.

Jeff takes control early and gets Matt outside the ring and hits a plancha. He does a running splash onto Matt against the ring barrier. Jeff get Matt back in the ring and delivers a mule kick. Jeff continues to work Matt over.

Matt gains the advantage and a light 'We Want Tables' chant breaks out. Matt gets Jeff in the figure four in the middle of the ring but Jeff refuses to quit. Matt breaks the hold and continues to work Jeff's leg over. He then gets Jeff back in the figure four but Jeff still refuses to quit and turns it over.

Jeff is finally able to hit the whisper in the wind to regain the advantage. Jeff gets Matt in a texas clover leaf and Matt taps, but the ref won't stop it because he didn't say "I Quit". When the ref asks Matt if he wants to quit, Matt refuses. Jeff hits a twist of fate and nailed a swanton. Matt refuses to quit, and then Jeff hits Matt with a second swanton.

Jeff goes outside the ring and grabs a table and brings it into the ring. Before he can use it, they are back outside the ring and Jeff hits Matt with a twist of fate and throws Matt back in. Jeff sets Matt up on the table and goes back under the ring and grabs duct tape and a rope! He duct tapes Matt's feet togehter on the table, and then duct tapes Matt's wrists together. He then ties Matt up to the table with the rope! Definitely unique . . .

Jeff goes back under the ring and grabs a ladder and brings it in. Jeff climbs to the top and Matt starts apologizing and saying that he loves Jeff. Matt keeps saying he loves Jeff as Jeff listens from the top of the ladder. Matt says their mom wouldn't want this in heaven and neither would their dad, who is sick at home. Before Jeff can come off the ladder, Matt quit. Kinda anticlimactic. Jeff comes off and splashes Matt through the table anyway.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Todd Grisham interviews Randy Orton backstage. Orton has a message for Batista. He says that it's amazing that even after all these years, it's still all about Triple H. Basically Orton wants Batista to turn on Triple H.

"Khali's Kiss Cam" with Santina

Santina comes out and says that he/she's not exactly who she says she is. For consistency, I'll refer to Santina as she/her in this recap. She says that she's in love with another man and because of her feelings for him, she can't kiss Khali. Khali asks who it is and Santina replies that it's J.R.! She says she's in love with J.R. It has been awhile since they've humiliated J.R.

Ranjin Singh says they understand and Santina no longer has to kiss Khali provided that Santina proves her love by kissing J.R. J.R. says that isn't going to happen, he can assure you that. Michael Cole says to go ahead, Mr. BBQ Man and J.R. asks Cole who fed him that line. J.R. looks visibly annoyed.

Finally, Beth Phoenix comes to the ring and challenges Santina for her Ms. WrestleMania crown. Singh objects and asks Phoenix how she can interrupt this lovely segment. Phoenix asks Khali how he can be so dumb to believe that Santina is not Santino, and Khali responds with a chop and pushes her over. Santina asks for the bell to be rung, and pins Phoenix. After the 'match', Khali grabs Santina by her top and it rips off, and Santina runs to the back with her hands over her nips. The less said about this segment, the better.

WWE Championship - Six Man Tag Team Match

Triple H (c), Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Legacy (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase).

The faces come to the ring first with Shane entering first, then Batista and finally Triple H. Legacy all come to the ring together. As soon as they get in the ring, all six start brawling even before the bell rings. Triple H takes Orton to the back and then comes back without Orton. The bell just rung, and it's 3 on 2 right now.

HHH, Batista and Shane McMahon dominate early and Ross questions what kind of man Orton is for abandoning his troops. Crowd is dead in this match in the early going. The faces continue to dominate Rhodes and Dibiase. Batista at one point get Dibiase in a standing vertical suplex and kept him hanging for a good 30 seconds.

Finally as Batista fought with Dibiase outside of the ring, Randy Orton ran back in and attacked Batista, ramming him head first into the ring post. Orton threw Batista back into the ring, tagged in and took control.

Legacy continued to work Batista over for several minutes before Shane McMahon finally tagged in. Shane was on first, and his Rhodes with an elbow drop from the top but Orton puled McMahon out of the ring as he went for a pin. Orton proceeded to throw Shane into the ring barrier. The crowd is still quiet.

Legacy continues to beat on Shane, obviously building to the hot tag to HHH. Finally Shane makes the hot tag to HHH who comes in and cleans house. After a few minutes, it's just HHH and Orton in the ring. Outside the ring, Rhodes nails McMahon with a chair and puts him out. Batista grabs Rhodes's chair, and Triple H pulls it out of Batista's hand and Orton sneaks up behind and nails an RKO, but only gets a 2 count. The timekeeper accidentally rang the bell. Orton then hit the punt and pinned HHH!

Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton

After the match, EMT's came in and carried HHH out of the ring on a stretcher. Some fans were singing 'Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye!' The announcers were using the Owen voice during this. They are selling this huge.

A promo for 'Judgment Day' aired.

The announcers are still talking about how Orton has destroyed the McMahon family.

A promo aired for the Cena/ Edge match, mostly focusing on Edge.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Last Man Standing Match - John Cena(c) vs. Edge.

The crowd came alive for this one. Cena came out to a loud mixed reaction (mostly cheers).

Edge gets the advantage early. A 'Cena Sucks' chant starts. Before long you have a loud "Let's Go Cena" - "Cena Sucks" dueling chant.

The first long count when Edge put Cena in a sharpshooter for awhile, and then bumped him out of the ring. Cena got up at 8, and Edge came out of the ring and went to spear Cena into the ring steps, but Cena sidestepped. Cena went to grab Edge, but Edge reversed and whipped Cena into another set of ring steps. Cena got up at 8 and then threw Edge into the ring steps. This is getting ridiculous.

Cena threw Edge back into the ring and threw the ring steps in as well. Edge got the advantage and dropkicked the steel steps into Cena. As Cena was getting up, Edge charged at him and Cena dumped him over the top. Cena grabs the steel steps and throws them onto Edge outside the ring. Edge managed to get up at 8. Cena went out and threw Edge back into the ring.

Cena and Edge traded blows until both collapsed. The referee started counting both men out, but the got up at 8. Cena kept going for the attitude adjster, but Edge kept reversing. Finally Cena got the STF on Edge and Edge was tapping, but it doesn't count. Cena went for the attitude adjuster again, but Edge got out and his a speer. Edge went to the top rope but Cena caught him and hit a big attitude adjuster from the second rope. Edge makes it up at 9.

Cena went to the top and came down on Edge, but Edge caught Cena in mid air with a spear. Cena gets up at 8 and falls out of the ring. Edge sets Cena up on the announce table and goes for a DDT, but Cena reverses it into an attitude adjuster and throws Edge to the outside onto the fans (obviously plants) in the first few rows!

Edge gets up at 9 and they fight to the stands. Cena bulldogs Edge into the floor in the equipment area but Edge gets up at 7. Edge then DDTs Cena on the steel stage. Edge goes to the back and comes back with a chair and nails Cena in the back. He then hits the concerto. Cena manages to get up at 9 and Edge charges with a spear. Cena reverses it into an attitude adjuster but the Big Show runs out from the back and throws Cena into a spotlight! Pretty insane visual! Cena's out for the count and Edge is your new World Heavyweight Champion!

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Edge

After the match, Cena was put in a neck brace and stretchered to the back.

Sunday, April 26

WWE May Attempt To Get HUGE TNA Star To Jump Ship!!

Although the talks only appear to be very preliminary, The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Kurt Angle's name has been brought up within WWE and it appears the company could be making a play to bring him back later this year.

Angle, who turns 41 this December, could be faced with a big decision if he is approached by WWE about a return. His wife Karen was said to be a major force behind him leaving WWE and now she is no longer a factor with the two splitting up recently. The negative is that Angle is still pretty banged up and is much smaller than when he left WWE in 2006.

While many feel his size could work against him, the belief is that WWE would give him an easier schedule and he would make more money. Angle has dropped a ton of weight in the last couple years, and tells friends he is much more comfortable this way. The plus to staying with TNA is that he is always guaranteed a top spot, his size will never be an issue and even if WWE offers him an easier schedule it will never be as easy on him physically as the TNA schedule is. The general opinion on Angle is that the smartest thing he could do is stay in TNA, but Angle's career is also coming to a close and the possibility of an increase in pay becomes even more important at that stage of his career.

The Final 2009 WWE Backlash Card

Here is the complete line up for this Sunday’s April 26, 2009 WWE Backlash in Providence, Rhode Island, 1am Monday Morning.


World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs. Edge (Last Man Standing Match)


ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs. Christian


WWE Champion Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton & The Legacy


Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy (”I Quit” Match)


Chris Jericho vs. WWE Hall of Famer Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat


CM Punk vs. Kane


Khali and Santina to lock up

Wednesday, April 22

New Event for WWE Backlash 2009

The Great Khali invites 'Santina' Marella to appear on the Khali Kiss Cam

New Match for WWE Backlash 2009

CM Punk Vs. Kane

Tuesday, April 21

Jeff Hardy/WWE Update!!!

Partial Source:

As noted yesterday here on the website, WWE is currently trying to sign Jeff Hardy to a new WWE contract. Jeff's current contract is set to expire in the next 2-4 months. Hardy has not been receptive to the long-term deals that the company has offered him, and in a rare move, WWE offered Hardy a one-year deal with the hopes of signing him to that, and then working on a longer-term contract.

It is due to the current contract situation that the feud with Matt Hardy has been booked the way it has, with Matt winning. It is also why Matt was moved to Raw.

The feeling is that Jeff isn't looking to go to another company, but more that he just wants to live his life on his own terms. TNA sources have claimed to have no contact with Hardy.

The Final 2009 WWE Backlash Card

The Final 2009 WWE Backlash Card

Shane McMahon & Triple H (c) & Batista
Cody Rhodes & Randy Orton & Ted DiBiase
(WWE Championship on the Line)

John Cena (c) Vs. Edge
Last Man Standing Match
World Heavyweight Championship on the Line

Jack Swagger (c) Vs. Christian
ECW Championship on the Line

Jeff Hardy Vs. Matt Hardy
I Quit Match

Chris Jericho
Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat

New Match for WWE Backlash 2009

Chris Jericho Vs. Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat

Jeff Hardy to Quit WWE???

WWE is currently doing everything they can to try and sign Jeff Hardy to a new deal, as his current contract will be expiring in a few months. Over the last few weeks Jeff Hardy has turned down all attempts at a contract extension and new full-fledged brand new deal. WWE is so hell-bent on signing him to a new deal that they are offering him a 1-year extension to lock him in for just one more year.

The fact that Jeff Hardy has not yet re-signed, WWE has made the creative decision to make his feud with Matt Hardy go in Matt’s favor and rush through it. This is also one of the reasons why Matt was moved to the RAW brand.

So far Hardy has turned down everything they’ve thrown at him, and he’s said to be looking at his options outside of the wrestling business. He’s not necessarily looking at TNA, but rather looking at taking some time off from the road to enjoy life and not have anything to do with WWE.

His current contract is said to expire in the next 2 to 4 months.

Source: PWInsider

Monday, April 20

Ex-WWE Diva Ashley Massaro Returning to the WWE??

-Former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro posted on her Twitter account that she will be returning to WWE just in time for her SummerSlam debut. Here is what Ashley wrote:

"Cross Your Fingers! As Long As Nothing Pops Up Im Making My Return Before Or Just In Time For Sumerslam!"

The Legacy Breaking Up, Surely Not!!!

Ted DiBiase Sr. spoke Friday at the Boys and Girls Club in Tomah, Wisconsin. Ted talked about his son Ted Jr. being in Legacy and mentioned that he had another son, Brett, who was involved in WWE developmental and said we'd be seeing him down the line. He didn't mention his other son Mike. Ted Sr. said that sometime this coming Fall or before Christmas, Ted Jr. would be turning face to promote his new movie, The Marine 2. Ted also said that with his sons involved with WWE, he doesn't rule out a return to the company. Sounds like Ted Jr. might be turning face and breaking away from Legacy.

The May 2009 issue of WWE Magazine has a lengthy interview with the members of Legacy - Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase. In the interview, Orton mentioned that Manu didn't have respect and that's what got him fired from Legacy. Orton also hinted at a possible new member joining Legacy, saying "I think we're looking to include another man in the stable to make it all the more powerful. I'll say no more."

Smackdown/ECW House Show in Strasbourg, France (17/4)

Evan Bourne vs Tyson Kidd
Evan Bourne wins via pinfall after a Shooting Star Press

Finlay vs Mark Henry
Finlay had a great welcome as he was holding the French flag
Finlay wins via pinfall after using his Shillelagh while the referee was telling Hornswoggle to go out of the ring

6 Diva Tag-Team Match
Bella twins & Gail Kim win against Maryse, Katie Lea and Natalya

MVP vs Shelton Benjamin (Title Match)
Both superstars took a long time staring at each other and doing movement in symetry. Then MVP crushed Shelton’s hands with his feet and Shelton leaved the ring to recover under the lauging of the crown (aïe aïe aïe (ouch)) and MVP making aslo a fool of him.
MVP did a “Ball in” but Shelton kicked out.
Finally MVP wins via pinfall after a Playmaker


Jack Swagger vs Christian (Title Match)
Christian had a great pop while holding a french flag before the match. Both superstars were first staring at each other and Christian made a fool of Swagger several times (messing with Swagger’s hair…) Christian tried two times a Umprettier but he was countered twice. Jack wins with a Gutwrench Powerbomb

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy (Street Fight)
Jeff had a huge pop when his theme song started playing.
Jeff assaulted his brother with a trash can. Then both bother hit the other one with a lid of trash can. Matt hit Jeff several times with a chair and threw him on a ladder. Jeff succeeded in doing a Whisper in the wind and put his brother on a table. He get on the top rope and jumped over the ladder to smash his bother on the table but Matt get away. Matt wins via pinfall.
Then he was laughing at Jeff who countered and made a Twist of Fate, leaving the ring with his theme playing. Nice moves!

Triple H and the Undertaker vs Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes (Handicap Match) Huge pops for the Game and the Undertaker. Triple H started attacking Orton before the bell ring and Orton leaved the ring, letting Priceless dealing with the opponents. The Undertaker started, then he tagged Triple H in who has hold Cody Rhodes at least 30 seconds vertically above his head. Then Orton came back. Triple H was assaulted a long time by each member of Legacy making tag very often. The Undertaker was going craza on his side of the ring as triple H could not tag him in, throwing water everywhere and walking the long of his side of the ring. Finally, Triple H was able to tag him in after an Spinebuster. The Undertaker was taking every of the three opponents down and Orton leaved the ring side again and get back to backstage. Triple H started to chased him but the Undertaker had trouble in the ring so he came back helping him out. Triple H and The Undertaker did at the same time a Chokeslam and a pedigree. Finally, the Undertaker ended the match with a Tombstone.

Triple H put the french flag on the top rope and shook hands with everyone around the ring and posed for WWE pictures with fans.

What is going to happen with The Dirt Sheet?? - Now the Duo is Split Up has posted what would be the solution to the problem from the result of the supplemental draft. With The Miz headed to Raw and Morrison off to Smackdown , here is what WWE has to say:

The following is from

But now, in the wake of the WWE Draft and Supplemental Draft, with Miz headed to Raw and Morrison off to SmackDown, the WWE Universe is left to wonder what will become of these court jesters of the canvas, and their Video Original series, The Dirt Sheet.

Well, now is your chance to toss in your two cents to by joining the conversation on WWE Universe. No decision has yet been made regarding the show’s fate, but executives have concluded that there are several possibilities. Among them:

*Both Miz and Morrison could simply continue their own separate versions of The Dirt Sheet, auditioning various Superstars week after week. For example, The Miz & Kung Fu Naki, or Morrison & Mark Henry.

*The hosts could battle for control of the show in a “Winner Gets The Dirt Sheet” Match. The victor could then hold auditions for a co-host – or simply just hog up twice as much air time, of which both Superstars have proven they are more than capable.

*Miz without Morrison, and vice versa, does not a Dirt Sheet make. Even if the two only broadcast special episodes once a month, at least they’ll be together.

*If The Dirt Sheet is going to be corrupted beyond the point of recognition, it’s best to let the show die with a measure of dignity – at least more than its hosts have ever shown Superstars like Evan Bourne.

Or perhaps you’ve thought of another option. To have your voice heard, log onto WWE Universe and let know what you think. Because in life there are winners, there are losers … and there are Dirt Sheet fanatics. Be jealous!

JR on WWE Superstars, Takers Tour and Jim Cornette

Jim Ross has posted on his personal website, here are a few snippets:

JR and Todd Grisham to Host WWE Superstars: Todd Grisham and I will be broadcasting a match for WWE Superstars Monday night during the Raw festivities at the O2 Arena. I’m SO happy because SO many articulate and intelligent posters on some wrestling internet sites who have the ability to read my mind and have determined that I “hate” Smackdown and “yearn” to be back on WWE’s “A” TV broadcast. So, nonetheless, I will see some WWE Raw fans at the arena Monday night for our one match to call. I’ll be coming from my post flight nap but I promise I won’t be wearing my P.J.’s with my black hat. Not an attractive visual…sorry.

WWE Tours Europe, with The Undertaker “Rest in Peace” Tour, not an retirement tour: The upcoming Fall tours by WWE in Europe entitled “The Rest in Peace Tour” and “The DX Reunion Tour” are NOT retirement tours. When any major star such as HBK or the Undertaker finally decides to hang ‘em up don’t you think that WWE will make a HUGE deal out of it just as they should? This announcement won’t come courtesy of a ring announcer as part of his obligatory announcements at a live event somewhere on the road.

Jim Cornette new book: Jim Cornette and Tim Ash have put together one of the finest, full color wrestling books that I have ever dreamed of reading. It’s entitled, “The Midnight Express and Jim Cornette 25th Anniversary Scrapbook” which features HUNDREDS of full color photos, stories of the road in amazing detail, pay stubs, DAILY documentation of MX’s amazing career in ALL the territories including the outcome and intriguing details of 100’s of matches with which they competed, and without question as detailed information as ANY wrestling book that I have ever seen in my life. If you are an old school wrestling fan, this book is a “MUST READ” and I rarely use those terms and this is not hyperbole. This book is amazingly unique and any one who considers themselves to be a fan of the genre, past or present should check this one out. I am under the understanding that orders can be accepted as of April 24 at Jim and autographed copies by JC, Dennis Condrey, Bobby Eaton, and Stan Lane will be available too….while they last. Do not delay on this one or you will regret it. Simply said…. buy this book if you want to relive the past, better understand the business, and to educate yourself in a way that many never dreamed possible. On a scale of 1-10, this book is a 12. As the late, great WWE HOF’er Ernie Ladd would say, “Case Closed.”

New Match for WWE Backlash 2009

Jeff Hardy Vs. Matt Hardy
I Quit Match

Rey Mysterio Unmasked?? & Sherri Shepherd to WWE

"The View" host Sherri Shepherd has apparently been dropping hints on her official Twitter account that she will be making an appearance with WWE soon along with current WWE United States Champion MVP.

Rey Mysterio was accidentally unmasked two times during his match with Chris Jericho last night in Aberdeen Scotland.

Friday, April 17

WWE Smackdown & ECW in Germany

WWE SmackDown! & ECW House Show
April 16th, 2009
"LANXESS arena” Cologne, Germany

Evan Bourne defeats Tyson Kidd after the Shooting Star Press.

Finlay (/w Hornswoggle) defeats Mark Henry after a hit with the Shillelagh.

Nikki Bella, Brie Bella & Gail Kim defeat Katie Lea, Maryse & Natalya.

United States Championship
Montel Vontavious Porter (c) defeats Shelton Benjamin.

ECW Championship
Jack Swagger (c) defeats Christian after a Small Package.

Street Fight
Matt Hardy defeats Jeff Hardy as the referee ends the fight and makes the “X-sign”. Matt had a huge gash over his eye.

3 on 2 Handicap Match
The Undertaker & Triple H defeat Legacy (Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes).

Source: PWinisder

The Current WWE 2009 Backlash Card

The Current 2009 WWE Backlash Card

Shane McMahon & Triple H (c) & Batista
Cody Rhodes & Randy Orton & Ted DiBiase
(WWE Championship on the Line)

John Cena (c) Vs. Edge
Last Man Standing Match
World Heavyweight Championship on the Line

Jack Swagger (c) Vs. Christian
ECW Championship on the Line

JR talks about the WWE 2009 Draft Lottery

JR talks about the WWE Draft:

First the Draft. No huge surprises as any one who did not think that Monday Night Raw wasn’t going to be enhanced more than any other brand simply wasn’t paying attention. Raw is the #1 TV priority of WWE and rightfully so as it delivers the biggest audience in the longest standing time slot on the best medium to sell pay per views, cable TV. Raw will have John Cena, HHH, Batista, HBK, and MVP at their disposal to feature as fan favorites. That’s five deep, at worst, plus perhaps an unknown will “break through.” One can also assume that Raw will get the “pick of the litter” from FCW whenever that may be. It will also be interesting to see how impactful Mr. Kennedy is when he debuts on Raw after fully healing from shoulder surgery which should be in the next month or so. If Kennedy “hits” as he is likely to do then Monday Night Raw gets even stronger. Santino Marella has surprisingly become one of the most popular individuals on Raw which doesn’t hurt the Monday night staple either as far as entertainment content is concerned. I DVR Raw every week but always try and make a point of watching the show live if at all possible. I feel all WWE announcers should watch all the shows but that’s just one man’s opinion.

Smackdown did well retaining The Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, Edge and Umaga while adding Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Kane, and perhaps the Smackdown sleeper Draft pick in John Morrison. I also like having Shelton Benjamin, Dolph Ziggler, Curt Hawkins, Ricky Ortiz (no towels please unless they feature JR’s BBQ), Charlie Haas and Mike Knox on Friday nights. Opportunity is knocking and it will be fun to see who truly wants to step up and grab the proverbial brass ring and become a perennial main eventer from these newcomers and from the other holdovers. If all the pieces fall into place, I can easily see several of the young Smackdown talents becoming big time players in WWE much Sooner than later. I like the overall level of athleticism of the SD roster.

ECW has a smaller roster but they also only do one hour of TV per week which is about 42 minutes of content for Sci Fi. I could theoretically see some of WWE’s promising prospects making ECW their first WWE address over the next few months. I love watching fresh faces compete as I think most fans enjoy seeing “new” to a large degree. Who’s to say that ECW can’t be a surprise laden broadcast every week especially if we start seeing some newcomers on Tuesday night. I don’t know the plans but it seems to like that concept might be logical.

Thursday, April 16

WWE High on Maryse and Mexican Wrestler Signs with WWE

WWE officials are said to be very high on Divas Champion Maryse due to her personality, hence her move to Raw during the live draft on Monday night. Fellow Raw Diva Beth Phoenix is expected to turn babyface soon, leading into a key singles program between the two.

Mexican wrestler Sicodelico Jr. announced on his MySpace page that he has signed a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. The Lucha libre star actually put up a photo of himself holding his WWE contract, which you can see at In a letter posted on his page, he said will be going to WWE's developmental facility at Florida Championship Wrestling within the next few weeks to sharpen his skills before heading off to one of the three major brands. WWE officials have had off-and-on talks with Sicodelico Jr. for months. There was talk of bringing him in as a tag team with his cousin, Dos Caras, Jr., but they weren't fond of Caras, Jr.'s "star" attitude. (See below for him signing the WWE Contract.)

Sicodelico Jr. Signing WWE Contract

WWE Raw in Dublin

RAW Brand House Show for the first time in the O2 Dublin April 15th 2009

Tony Chimel comes out to ring announce and gets a nice pop. He is being wasted on ECW and is better than Justin Roberts. Chimel has been in the company since the early 90s and the Irish fans respect this.

Match 1: Kofi Kingston v The Miz.

Irish crowd loved Kofi and The Miz received tons of heat for being a egomaniac and he really plays up to it

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Beth Phoenix & Layla v WWE Women’s Champion Melina & Kelly Kelly

Pretty average Divas tag match here. Layla and Kelly Kelly were beautiful in person but they couldn’t wrestle. This match exposed Layla’s weaknesses and she is a long way from being the finished article. Kelly Kelly scored the pinfall

Winners: WWE Women’s Champion Melina & Kelly Kelly

Tony Chimel plugs Backlash on April 26th and John Cena’s latest crap movie 12 Rounds. Cena’s movie was booed by the anti-Cena Irish fans

Match 3: Santina Marella v Goldust

Santina gets a HUGE pop and loads of chants and he enjoys playing to the crowd. Goldust also received a nice pop from the old school Irish fans in attendance. Marella gets the pin in a very quick match and challenges anyone else to a match. Austin’s music hits and the place erupts, Marella sells it excellently but sadly it isn’t the WWE Hall of Famer, its Charlie Haas! Charlie Haastin gets the pinfall!

Match 4: William Regal v CM Punk

William Regal gets booed out of the building. Irish fans aren’t fond of the Brit on this particular evening. Regal enjoys the boos. Money in the Bank winner CM Punk got an AMAZING reception. It was an ok match nothing special

Winner: CM Punk

Regal got great heat for blindsliding Punk, Kofi Kingston made the save for Punk.


Match 5: Carlito & Primo Colon v Mike Knox & Kane for the Unified Tag Belts

Crowd didn’t know who Mike Knox was, they were chanting “Who are ya” repeatedly. The Irish crowd still really like Kane even if most long time wrestling fans think he has gone off the boil since he lost his mask in 2003. They are still using the RAW and Smackdown tag team belts, no signing of them being merged at the moment which they should be. The match wasn’t bad and Carlito and Primo win by DQ

Winners & STILL WWE Unified Tag Team Champions: Carlito & Primo Colon

Match 6: Rey Mysterio v Chris Jericho for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

What an honour and surprise it was to see Chris Jericho in Dublin! Didn’t think he would be on this show because of his move to Smackdown. He gets a lot of heat from the Irish apart from myself and the rest of the Jericholics in the O2. Very funny promo from Y2J, he is the best microphone worker in the business. The crowd absolutely loves Rey Mysterio, loads of Irish kids wearing the Rey masks. 619 chants throughout the match. Jericho really plays up to the crowd which he is excellent at doing. Mysterio wins after a great match with plenty of near falls and the crowd goes wild! This will make for a great feud on the Smackdown brand.

Winner & STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Rey Mysterio

Tony Chimel announces that is now time for the main event of the evening

Match 7: John Cena v Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship

Crowd reaction to John Cena in Dublin is 50/50. No Vickie Guerrero thank God. The anti Cena lobby is alive and well in Dublin. Hilarious seeing kids and grown adults disagreeing over Cena during the match. Edge is an awesome heel to experience in person, knows how to draw the heat. Lets go Cena Lets go Edge chants throughout the match. No surprise in the end as Cena retains

Winner & STILL World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena

Very disappointed that Randy Orton & Legacy weren’t able to make this house show but they may appear tomorrow night at the O2 in Dublin

Match of the night has to go to Rey Mysterio v Chris Jericho, reminded me of WCW’s glory days seeing those lock it up in the ring.

Best Pops:
1. Rey Mysterio 2 Santina Marella 3 Kane

Best Heat
1. Chris Jericho 3 William Regal
2. Edge

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves in Dublin tonight and tune into WWR this Friday where we will discuss the house show live on 103.2 Dublin City FM at 7.30pm

Source: PWinsider

Wednesday, April 15

The COMPLETE WWE 2009 Draft

WWE Draft Pick #1: MVP To RAW
WWE Draft Pick #2: The Big Show To RAW
WWE Draft Pick #3: Melina To SmackDown!
WWE Draft Pick #4: Matt Hardy To RAW
WWE Draft Pick #5: Triple H To RAW
WWE Draft Pick #6: CM Punk To SmackDown!
WWE Draft Pick #7: The Miz To RAW
WWE Draft Pick #8: Kane To SmackDown!
WWE Draft Pick #9: Chris Jericho To SmackDown!
WWE Draft Pick #10: Vladimir Kozlov To ECW
WWE Draft Pick #11: Maryse To RAW
WWE Draft Pick #12: Rey Mysterio To SmackDown!

WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #1: Mr. Kennedy To RAW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #2: Shad To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #3: Alicia Fox To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #4: Primo Colon To RAW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #5: Mike Knox To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #6: Ezekiel Jackson To ECW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #7: Nikki Bella To RAW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #8: Candice To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #9: Zach Ryder To ECW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #10: Chavo Guerrero To RAW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #11: Ricky Ortiz To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #12: Layla To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #13: Hornswoggle To RAW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #14: DH Smith To ECW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #15: John Morrison To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #16: Carlito To RAW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #17: Natalya To ECW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #18: Festus To RAW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #19: JTG To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #20: Dolph Ziggler To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #21: The Brian Kendrick To RAW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #22: Charlie Haas To SmackDown!
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #23: Helms To ECW
WWE Supplemental Draft Pick #24: Brie Bella To RAW

36 WWE Superstars in Total have changed Brands!!!
Raw Smackdown ECW
Colour Denotes Brand

Smackdown Spoilers for 17/04/2009

* Several clips from wrestlemania 25 are shown.

Dark Match:
* Jimmy Wang Yang b. Tyson Kidd via pinfall.

SmackDown: (Airing Friday)
* Jim Ross & Todd Grisham come out to ringside.

* A Tribute to the Troops video is shown while the Ring apron is changed.

* Big Show b. Jeff Hardy
- Jeff Hardy comes out to a huge pop. Big Show dominates at the beginning of the long match. Matt Hardy eventually runs out, but Jeff connects with a Swanton Bomb outside of the ring. Jeff misses Whisper in the Wind and Big Show gets the win via pinfall. After the match, Matt does several legdrops on Matt.

* A video preview for Triple H vs. Orton & Ted DiBiase vs. Batista later tonight is shown.

* The Khali Kiss Cam is up next. Khali comes out to the ring and says he cannot wait until next week's kiss with Santina. A random girl from the crowd for the segment.

* An Edge vs. Cena promo is shown.

* Gail Kim b. WWE Divas Champion Maryse in a non-tite match.
- Slow match, Maryse poses a lot. Crowd not interested.

* John Morrison b. R-Truth
- John Morrison gets the win via pinfall after hitting R-Truth with an Unprettier. R-Truth is over with the younger fans.

* A "Face Off" segment is up next. Triple H comes out to the ring.Randy Orton's music plays twice but he doesn't come out. He's shown on the screen... Randy tells Hunter that he's not coming out and he'll have to wait until next week's Raw. He goes on to talk about Backlash and taunt Hunter about kissing Stephanie. Orton then says he sent their kids Easter Baskets. Hunter laughs because he know's something Orton doesn't... Their match on Monday's Raw will be a No DQ Match.

* Teddy Long demands that Randy Orton comes out. He announced Orton vs. Triple H in a Street Fight tonight (This was advertised locally as a dark match).

* Long then makes the Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy Backlash match an I Quit Match.

*Undertaker b. Shelton Benjamin
- Undertaker has a new entrance graphic with 17-0 on it. During the match, they had to tape a segment twice, where Shelton goes off the top rope and into Undertaker's hand for a chokeslam. Undertaker gets the win following a Tombstone.

* Dolph Ziggler tries to introduce himself to MVP. Teddy Long shows up and interrupts. They ignore him and he leaves. Teddy says good luck on Raw and he wants to introduce him to his friend, Sherry from "The View" talk show.

* Dolph Ziggler b. U.S. Champion MVP in a non-title match.
- Boring chants are heard throughout the live audience. Ziggler gets the win with a handful of tights.

* Batista b. Ted DiBiase
- Batista comes out to a big pop. Ted DiBiase gains control early on working on Batista's knee. Batista regains control and gets the win via pinfall after a Batista Bomb. This ends this week's Smackdown.

Dark Main Event:
* WWE Champion Triple H b. Randy Orton to retain the title in a Street Fight.
- Hunter got the win with the sledgehammer.

Tuesday, April 14

WWE Suplemantal Draft 2009 Spoilers

Although they were not drafted on RAW last-tonight (they do the bigger names on RAW), I can still confirm several draft picks for this Wednesday via I have been able to confirm these although plans can always change.

*Candice Michelle To SmackDown!
*Maria To RAW
*Mark Henry & Tony Atlas To RAW
*DH Smith To RAW (Rumored)

Keep it locked here to for continued WWE Supplemental Draft spoilers all day tomorrow! We’ll be revealing MORE names!!

WWEAdikt Labels

"Mr. FCW" (1) Abraham Washington (2) Alberto Banderas (Dos Caras (1) Alicia Fox (1) Batista (6) Beth Phoenix (1) Brock Lesnar (1) Bryan Danielson (1) Chavo Guerrero (3) Chris Jericho (5) Christian (4) CM Punk (5) Cody Rhodes (2) Cryme Time (3) Divas Championship (1) DJ Gabriel (1) Dolph Ziggler (3) Dos Caras Jr (1) Drew McIntyre (2) DX (3) ECW (3) ECW Champion (4) Eric Escobar (1) Evan Bourne (2) Ezekiel Jackson (3) FCW (3) Gail Kim (1) Goldust (2) Guest Host (1) Hall of Fame (1) HBK (2) HHH (2) Hurricane (2) Jack Swagger (2) Jamie Noble (1) JeriShow (3) Jerry Lawler (1) Jillian (1) Jim Ross (3) Jimmy Uso (1) Jimmy Wang Yang (1) John Cena (5) John Morrison (3) Jr.) (1) (2) Kane (3) Katie Lea-Burchill (2) Kelly Kelly (2) Kofi Kingston (5) Kyle Rasmussen (1) Lance Cade (1) Lauren Mayhew (1) Layla (2) Legacy (1) Low Ki (known as Kawal in developmental) (1) Mark Henry (3) Maryse Return (1) Matt Hardy (3) Matt Striker (1) Melina (3) Michelle McCool (2) Mickie James (3) MSG (1) MVP (3) New Talent (1) Paul Burchill (4) R-Truth (4) Randy Orton (5) Raw (3) Retirement (1) Rey Mysterio (6) Ricky Hatton (1) Rikishi (1) Roddy Piper (1) Rosa Mendes (3) Royal Rumble (1) Santino Marella (1) Shane McMahon (1) Shawn Michaels (2) Sheamus (2) Shelton Benjamin (3) Smackdown (3) Squash Match (1) Survivor Series (4) Ted DiBiase (2) Teddy Long (2) The Hart Dynasty (3) The Miz (2) The Undertaker (5) Tiffany (1) TLC PPV (2) Todd Grisham (1) Tommy Dreamer (2) Trinity McCray (1) Triple H (2) Vance Archer (4) Vickie Guerrero (1) Vladamir Kozlov (4) William Regal (4) Wrestlemania (1) Wrestlemania XXVI (2) WWE (12) (1) Yoshi Tatsu (3) Zack Ryder (4) Zivile Raudoniene (1)