Jeff takes control early and gets Matt outside the ring and hits a plancha. He does a running splash onto Matt against the ring barrier. Jeff get Matt back in the ring and delivers a mule kick. Jeff continues to work Matt over.
Matt gains the advantage and a light 'We Want Tables' chant breaks out. Matt gets Jeff in the figure four in the middle of the ring but Jeff refuses to quit. Matt breaks the hold and continues to work Jeff's leg over. He then gets Jeff back in the figure four but Jeff still refuses to quit and turns it over.
Jeff is finally able to hit the whisper in the wind to regain the advantage. Jeff gets Matt in a texas clover leaf and Matt taps, but the ref won't stop it because he didn't say "I Quit". When the ref asks Matt if he wants to quit, Matt refuses. Jeff hits a twist of fate and nailed a swanton. Matt refuses to quit, and then Jeff hits Matt with a second swanton.
Jeff goes outside the ring and grabs a table and brings it into the ring. Before he can use it, they are back outside the ring and Jeff hits Matt with a twist of fate and throws Matt back in. Jeff sets Matt up on the table and goes back under the ring and grabs duct tape and a rope! He duct tapes Matt's feet togehter on the table, and then duct tapes Matt's wrists together. He then ties Matt up to the table with the rope! Definitely unique . . .
Jeff goes back under the ring and grabs a ladder and brings it in. Jeff climbs to the top and Matt starts apologizing and saying that he loves Jeff. Matt keeps saying he loves Jeff as Jeff listens from the top of the ladder. Matt says their mom wouldn't want this in heaven and neither would their dad, who is sick at home. Before Jeff can come off the ladder, Matt quit. Kinda anticlimactic. Jeff comes off and splashes Matt through the table anyway.
Todd Grisham interviews Randy Orton backstage. Orton has a message for Batista. He says that it's amazing that even after all these years, it's still all about Triple H. Basically Orton wants Batista to turn on Triple H.
Santina comes out and says that he/she's not exactly who she says she is. For consistency, I'll refer to Santina as she/her in this recap. She says that she's in love with another man and because of her feelings for him, she can't kiss Khali. Khali asks who it is and Santina replies that it's J.R.! She says she's in love with J.R. It has been awhile since they've humiliated J.R.
Ranjin Singh says they understand and Santina no longer has to kiss Khali provided that Santina proves her love by kissing J.R. J.R. says that isn't going to happen, he can assure you that. Michael Cole says to go ahead, Mr. BBQ Man and J.R. asks Cole who fed him that line. J.R. looks visibly annoyed.
Finally, Beth Phoenix comes to the ring and challenges Santina for her Ms. WrestleMania crown. Singh objects and asks Phoenix how she can interrupt this lovely segment. Phoenix asks Khali how he can be so dumb to believe that Santina is not Santino, and Khali responds with a chop and pushes her over. Santina asks for the bell to be rung, and pins Phoenix. After the 'match', Khali grabs Santina by her top and it rips off, and Santina runs to the back with her hands over her nips. The less said about this segment, the better.
WWE Championship - Six Man Tag Team Match
Triple H (c), Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Legacy (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase).
The faces come to the ring first with Shane entering first, then Batista and finally Triple H. Legacy all come to the ring together. As soon as they get in the ring, all six start brawling even before the bell rings. Triple H takes Orton to the back and then comes back without Orton. The bell just rung, and it's 3 on 2 right now.
HHH, Batista and Shane McMahon dominate early and Ross questions what kind of man Orton is for abandoning his troops. Crowd is dead in this match in the early going. The faces continue to dominate Rhodes and Dibiase. Batista at one point get Dibiase in a standing vertical suplex and kept him hanging for a good 30 seconds.
Finally as Batista fought with Dibiase outside of the ring, Randy Orton ran back in and attacked Batista, ramming him head first into the ring post. Orton threw Batista back into the ring, tagged in and took control.
Legacy continued to work Batista over for several minutes before Shane McMahon finally tagged in. Shane was on first, and his Rhodes with an elbow drop from the top but Orton puled McMahon out of the ring as he went for a pin. Orton proceeded to throw Shane into the ring barrier. The crowd is still quiet.
Legacy continues to beat on Shane, obviously building to the hot tag to HHH. Finally Shane makes the hot tag to HHH who comes in and cleans house. After a few minutes, it's just HHH and Orton in the ring. Outside the ring, Rhodes nails McMahon with a chair and puts him out. Batista grabs Rhodes's chair, and Triple H pulls it out of Batista's hand and Orton sneaks up behind and nails an RKO, but only gets a 2 count. The timekeeper accidentally rang the bell. Orton then hit the punt and pinned HHH!
Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton
After the match, EMT's came in and carried HHH out of the ring on a stretcher. Some fans were singing 'Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye!' The announcers were using the Owen voice during this. They are selling this huge.
A promo for 'Judgment Day' aired.
The announcers are still talking about how Orton has destroyed the McMahon family.
A promo aired for the Cena/ Edge match, mostly focusing on Edge.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Last Man Standing Match - John Cena(c) vs. Edge.
The crowd came alive for this one. Cena came out to a loud mixed reaction (mostly cheers).
Edge gets the advantage early. A 'Cena Sucks' chant starts. Before long you have a loud "Let's Go Cena" - "Cena Sucks" dueling chant.
The first long count when Edge put Cena in a sharpshooter for awhile, and then bumped him out of the ring. Cena got up at 8, and Edge came out of the ring and went to spear Cena into the ring steps, but Cena sidestepped. Cena went to grab Edge, but Edge reversed and whipped Cena into another set of ring steps. Cena got up at 8 and then threw Edge into the ring steps. This is getting ridiculous.
Cena threw Edge back into the ring and threw the ring steps in as well. Edge got the advantage and dropkicked the steel steps into Cena. As Cena was getting up, Edge charged at him and Cena dumped him over the top. Cena grabs the steel steps and throws them onto Edge outside the ring. Edge managed to get up at 8. Cena went out and threw Edge back into the ring.
Cena and Edge traded blows until both collapsed. The referee started counting both men out, but the got up at 8. Cena kept going for the attitude adjster, but Edge kept reversing. Finally Cena got the STF on Edge and Edge was tapping, but it doesn't count. Cena went for the attitude adjuster again, but Edge got out and his a speer. Edge went to the top rope but Cena caught him and hit a big attitude adjuster from the second rope. Edge makes it up at 9.
Cena went to the top and came down on Edge, but Edge caught Cena in mid air with a spear. Cena gets up at 8 and falls out of the ring. Edge sets Cena up on the announce table and goes for a DDT, but Cena reverses it into an attitude adjuster and throws Edge to the outside onto the fans (obviously plants) in the first few rows!
Edge gets up at 9 and they fight to the stands. Cena bulldogs Edge into the floor in the equipment area but Edge gets up at 7. Edge then DDTs Cena on the steel stage. Edge goes to the back and comes back with a chair and nails Cena in the back. He then hits the concerto. Cena manages to get up at 9 and Edge charges with a spear. Cena reverses it into an attitude adjuster but the Big Show runs out from the back and throws Cena into a spotlight! Pretty insane visual! Cena's out for the count and Edge is your new World Heavyweight Champion!
Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Edge
After the match, Cena was put in a neck brace and stretchered to the back.